
第64回日米学生会議 7/29 本会議2日目


午前中のメインコンテンツはOpening Ceremony. スピーカーとしてMr. John M. Stich, Mr. Mark Berry, Dr. Hiroki Takeuchiにお越し頂き、ダラスへのウェルカム、そうしてJASCへの激励の言葉の数々を頂きました。ダラスでのサミットのお話や、Mr. Mark Berry自身の体験に基づく日米の繋がり、そうして竹内先生による東アジア論はどれも「自分はJASCの一員になったのか…!!」と実感させられるものばかりでした。


After we had lunch at the dining hall, we had a RT meeting and a skit/ice breaking session. 

This RT meeting was the first official joint meeting with American delegates, so (I'm basically writing this blog based upon the Human Rights RT meeting, but I guess most of RTs have done similar things.) we introduced ourselves, did some ice breaking and then introduced what we have done and what we are interested in. And afterwards, we were separated into four groups with buddy and talked about each other's RT paper, preparing for the next day's RT session.

After the RT meeting, we had dinner, and it was finally the Skit time!! The Skit was a so much fun. Japanese delegates performed first. The main story was about Chelsey and Minh getting to know Japanese culture. The first part was about how Japanese spent Christmas, new year's day, and Valentine's day. The second part was about Japanese's daily lives. It might look like that Japanese are having same every day, but actually, they know how to enjoy the moment when they are done with what they need to do. The third part introduced Japanese pop culture, AKB48. And then American delegates performed their skit, which was the parody of famous TV shows such as American Idols, Spongebob, and jeopardy. I believe each delegate enjoyed the skits and could get a glimpse to each other's culture.

And then each of the delegates had a brief self introduction, and played a game to memorize the names. It helped quite a lot, actually! lol

It was a long but short day. Looking forward to how awesome the 64th JASC will be.
I had so much fun, thank you all; ) 

XOXO, Heajin

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